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Black Bear Hunts

Approximate dates:

Spot-and-Stalk hunts from April 20-May 20

Baited/Hound hunts from May 27-June 27



If you would like to see photos of bears from past hunts, please give us a call or send us an e-mail and we would be happy to send you our photos. We just prefer not to post them online. 

Black bears are plentiful here in Idaho. Experience of our guides and location of baits greatly increase your chances of seeing a number of bears . With this type of hunting, you are likely to see a bear up close and personal, and it can be the experience of a lifetime! 

Our Idaho bears are color phase bears that can be any color from deep black to blonde, and all colors in between.


Our bears can be hunted from baits (out of tree stands or ground blinds), or with hounds. While hound hunting can be a physically demanding hunt, our baited hunts are perfect for all ages and all levels of physical fitness.

Our baited bear hunts are a one guide / one hunter ratio, giving you the full expertise of your guide to judge that trophy bear for you.


We hunt our baits in the evening, usually leaving after dinner, at around 6 P.M. Late nights are normal, as it doesn't get dark here until around 10 P.M. We hunt with hounds beginning early in the morning, around 5 A.M. Runs can last a few minutes, or all day.

We will eat a hot breakfast every morning, and take a sack lunch out with us on the days we run hounds. 

We also offer one week of spot-and-stalk bear hunting per year, which is a much more physically demanding hunt, but equally rewarding and lots of fun!

This hunt is a 2x1 hunt (one guide / two hunters).


Bear Cal


$5,000.00 - 7 day, 1 on 1 fully guided hunt over bait

Other expenses:

Non-Resident License - $195.00  

Bear Tag - $231.75

Tax - $300.00

Price for non-hunting companion - $1,500.00

$4,250.00 - 7 day, 2 on 1 fully guided spot and stalk hunt

Other expenses:

Non-Resident License - $195.00  

Bear Tag - $231.75

Tax - $255.00

No non-hunting companions on this hunt

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